so as i was watching soccer just now, i don't know, but i just had this sudden attack of nostalgia.
haha, i remember the first time i wanted to play soccer. it was in sec1, and everyone was playing, so if i didn't play i'd look like a loser. i couldn't even KICK the ball at that time, much less dribble. so naturally, when i played, i was keeper. but i'm happy with that. it's a position that's brought me many secretly-proud moments. :D
as the months passed, and under the tutelage of jason, agu and francis, i learnt how to take kicks. the internet taught me all the basics of a keeper, from angles to positioning.
then at sec2, i played my first competitive game at sports day. that was when i got my first pair of gloves (still using them). and...we won! was really happy that it was against Eagles, cause they were considered the "best" house or something. ok, so i didn't have a single save to make and everyone was saying how unfair Falcon's team was, with wayne, agu, jason, wen jun, francis...all them soccer players. but it was still good!
then at sec3! was when soccer really started to be part of me. with sec3 came a new class. and of course wayne. with wayne, i was introduced to the soccer guys. and of course after-school-soccer at the b-ball court. something i'd never dare to do before as i was just so scared of the "pros" (haha, what me and ming hui used to call them).
and it was great! those were probably the happiest days of my life. granted i didn't study much, but still. it was soccer soccer soccer after school at 2, till 6 when Susie would chase us home. we played till our uniforms became transparent with sweat and we stank the class during sec4 remedials, but we had fun. that was what counted.
soon i crashed soccer training. and we, the usual team, agu, francis, wayne, wenjun, shawn and me started signing up for tournaments. good times good times.
and then you have now. where we're all in our different polys. with new groups of friends. and so, we hardly meet up.
but we do meet up for soccer still, like we did last week. haha, and everyone thinks i'm crazy every time we meet cause i get so excited. but then, i'm just really happy that we get to play together.
like we did through the tournaments, where we stuck together as the youngest team there and gave our best.
like we did after school, where we had endless fun and inflated egos/tried to be fancy as the choir/band girls would see us as they walk to the music room.
like we did in PE, competing as next team for the basketball court and begging Mr.Toh for just 5 more minutes.
like we did at the field across my house, where i learnt how to kick a ball from jason.
and like we still do. at Upper Court. with those new "super bian tai" indian opponents. haha, but we still stick as a team and give our all.
man, soccer's THE game. :D