School starts on monday.
i don't know what's worse, sitting in SPH, or going to school.
for one, SPH is a really cool place to work in. it's just that, they treat me so much like an adult, that it's scary. like, i'm only 16, but they want to find a doctor that watches Grey's Anatomy. really, i might have to re-think this whole "work-in-SPH" ambition.
school on the other hand, seems vaugely better. i like my course-mates, so school means seeing them again. and the new semester also means new starts, which i will put to full use in my quest for NTU. then there's Sports and Wellness, where I'm planning to take swimming (as crazy as 8am swimming sounds). and given the development of recent events, i'll have to find stuff to fill myself with, meaning i'll most probably attempt to drown myself with school-work and gym. not that i'm happy that it's come to this's for the better i guess. i really wonder, if i'll be happy in the end if i get good grades and a good body. i really don't know what i want now. i'm at some cross-road of life. oh well...things'll pan out.
on the sides, me and justin have sort of stepped up our plans to have our own fashion magazine in the future. we did some risk analysis and problem development yesterday, and yes, i admit it kind of looks bleak. but Rome wasn't built in a day, so i guess it'd be part and parcel if we'd have to work our way up the ladders of magazine-industry to get our own one. our target now is 10 years. in 10 years, we'll build ample contacts, garner ample capitol and make ample connections. so that when 38 rolls around, we'll be all set to launch Haute Couture.
we will get our magazine.