e premte, 17 tetor 2008

The Week

Plenty of stuff happened in this first, eventful week of Sem 1.1
I shall try to recollect...not in order.

That'd be too big a call.

1.) I got into badminton for SnW.
2.) Ziggy's my marketing lecturer. Phuck.
3.) Sonia, the medsoc lecturer, looks like one of those "i-am-happy-on-the-outside-but-i-am-this-close-to-flipping" people.
4.) Mel's new headphones are good.
5.) Other Mel has to stop her obsession with Kodok. :D
6.) Wait, first Mel also has an obsession to stop. You know...
7.) Gosh, I actually talked to Su again.
8.) My "aim-for-AD" subject is now Marketing.
9.) Clement, our marketing tutor, seems nice.
10.) Mel, i tell you, I will win for marketing. HAHA.
11.) Mel introduced me to Alkaline Trio and made my Ipod look legal. Thanks.
12.) I get this feeling, that judging by how i'm going, i'm going to smoke my first cig. real soon. tsk.
13.) Syaz works at Starbucks. Free drinks ahoy!
14.) Freedom - Revolutionary performance art trio, Mel,Mel,Bryan, will be showcasing Freedom, their biggest project yet, soon this year. Watch this space. Oh, and vote for them at the next Arts Festival.
15.) It is heartening to see that Jon is over the SuperBand thing.

On the sides,

Dana, stay strong a'ite? Sure over soon one! :D

And finally,
To you out there,

You need to be more sensitive to the people around you. Open your eyes, feel what they feel for you, and you'll know what you've been walking pass.