e diel, 12 tetor 2008

Time Flies.

it certainly does! it's been 2 months just like that! ARUGH! before i know it, i'll be 50 and old!

so tomorrow's the first day for Sem 1.1. *BIG SIGH*

i am...in bittersweet anticipation of it.

on the bright side, it gives me something to do daily and a chance to redeem myself for not studying in my previous sem. not forgetting meeting my course-mates again.

but...on the bleak side of things, i do not, do not, do not, want to start school. i want to just laze around at home. with my mountains of snacks, my lap, my x-box and of course gym.

oh well. you can't win 'em all.

speaking of gym, it has been 4months since i started gyming. and i have yet to see "satisfactory results" in my quest for well defined abdominal muscles. in other words, a six-pack.

thus, eet ezz fitting, that this shall be the only picture of yesterday's Sentosa trip that i shall post up.

it kinda shows you how bonding sessions of the wildly competitive and testosterone-driven male species goes; weird and fun. with splashes of...i don't know...ego?

ok lah, ya'll must be thinking that i'm an insecure little man, not daring to put up the rest of the pics just cause i don't have no six-pack. well..sadly for me, you guys are right! :O

now..off to eat. dad's back from flight and his "back-from-flight" dinners are always something to look forward to.

i am falling sick.