e enjte, 9 tetor 2008

Tomorrow's the last day of work.

I don't know if I should be sad, or happy. But between you and me, I'm leaning heavily towards "happy".

Honestly speaking, the last 3 weeks haven't really been productive journalist-cly. At all. One story, a few ran errands and a half-done 8 page spread aren't things I'm really proud of. I still feel that they treat me too much like an adult though, how I wish Serene would realize that, just like how she says I'm too young to go to her house parties, I'm also a tad too young to know hip working professionals who have the time to watch teevee. Sigh...

Not to mention the amount of money I've siphoned of SPH due to cab fares. :O

On the brighter side of things, I finally went to gym today! Gay/Masochist/Sadistic as it may sound, I enjoyed it, and yes, it took my mind of the thoughts that've been circling in my head. And I finally drank StarBucks again! 3 weeks without it; I could've died. Hark back to the days of olde where Justin and me would make StarBucks an almost daily endeavour.


Lastly, that void in my heart seems to have filled. With that I don't know.

Again, I don't know if i should be happy or sad.